Hey everyone! Are you looking for a way to contribute to a great cause?! TTE is holding its annual Mini-Campaigns pledge event and we are inviting YOU to join us! All you need to do is come up with a challenge! We will help with the poster design and the pledge page setup. Then, send a few messages to friends and family to encourage them to donate. Once you reach your donation goal, DO the challenge! Our executives will also have their own pledge page and crazy challenge, so check their pages out too! If you want to participate too, shoot us a message on Facebook or Instagram!

Participant: Mariam Ali
Challenge: Drink a smoothie with mysterious ingredients!
Donation goal: $600

Participant: Jammie Lee
Challenge: Build a 3D model of the McGill’s Arts Building!
Donation goal: $300

Participant: Jenny Zheng
Challenge: Eat 2x spicy hot ramen!
Donation goal: $300

Participant: Zoe Refers
Challenge: For every $100 raised, I will swim 2 km!
Donation goal: $300

Participant: Tad Wu
Challenge: Film myself getting pied in the face!
Donation goal: $500
Donation Strategy Guide – Through Their Eyes Mini-Campaigns Event 2023
Hello! We are so excited you are interested in participating in the Mini Campaigns event
this year! If this is your first-time hearing about the event, here is a brief description:
Participants will come up with a challenge and pledge a goal in this event. They will
raise money towards the pledge goal, and once they have reached the pledge goal,
they will do the challenge they chose and (hopefully) post it so everyone can see it! The
funds raised will support the 10 orphaned children under our care and give them a
chance at a proper childhood.
For more information, check out our Mini Campaigns Tab or our event on Facebook
Setting up your Campaign
Setting up your campaign with us is easy! All you need to do is come up with a
challenge! We will help with the poster design and the pledge page setup. Fill out our
registration link when you are ready to participate.
Description of Pledge
When writing your description for your pledge, there are a few key points to note. First,
clearly describe what your fundraising goal is going towards: “Raising $600 would
completely cover the annual sponsorship cost for one orphan child”. Second, choose a
challenge that is interactive and exciting for you to do, and for others to see you
complete! This will help you with both fundraising and being motivated throughout the
pledge event. And finally, keep people updated as you work towards your goal; post and
share about your initiative for every milestone and hype up your supporters!
Reaching out for Donations
Friends, family, and colleagues are your best sources for support throughout your
pledge campaign. Personally inviting them to your campaign would make them feel like
they are a part of something big! Check out the sample message below to help you get
started. Further, you can use your social media to promote your campaign. For
example, posting a story on Instagram or Facebook and adding your donation link to
your biography could help distant friends to connect with your wonderful initiative.
Sample message to send to your friends and family:
Hello ____,
I hope you are doing well!
I am reaching out to let you know that I have pledged to raise funds with a McGill
student charity organization called Through Their Eyes. Their goal is to raise funds to
sponsor the education, healthcare, and everything of orphaned children around the
world. I am truly passionate about this initiative and would greatly appreciate your
support in reaching my donation goal. Every donation goes towards the support of
orphaned children and if I raise $X, I will (insert unique challenge here).
If you would like to support my initiative and help sponsor a child in need for a year,
please visit my campaign! (insert campaign link here)
Thank you so much for your support!
Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook @OSPMcGill or my email
@throughtheireyes@ssmu.ca with any questions!
Good luck and have fun!